Idag sitter hon i flera styrelser bland annat för Axel Johnson och Norrsken och är arbetande styrelseordförande i Summa Equity - riskkapitalbolaget som 



Pengar ska göra nytta. På riktigt. Därför återvänder Anna Ryott till riskkapitalbranschen och Summa Equity som enbart investerar i världsförbättrar-bolag. om tillsammans med Karin Zingmark, Anna Ryott och Daniel Akenine. Anna Ryott, styrelseordförande Summa Equity och Daniel Akenine,  Idag är hon arbetande styrelseordförande i Summa Equity - riskkapitalbolaget som investerar i hållbara bolag - och förra året utsågs hon till Sveriges mäktigaste  Vi samlar nyheter om Anna Ryott från över 100 svenska källor.

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The election of Ryott strengthens Summa Equity’s expertise and experience in the area of sustainability. Company profile page for Summa Equity AB including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board members, and contact information. Anna Ryott. Summa Equity AB. Anna Ryott, Chair of Summa Equity, summarised its importance: “sustainable investments and sustainable finance are key to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals by 2030”.

Sustainability-focused investment firm Summa Equity has appointed Anna Ryott, previously a senior executive at a Swedish nonprofit, as its new chairwoman.

Anna Ryott has been elected chairperson of the board at Summa Equity, which targets middle-market investments in the Nordic region.Ryott was most recently deputy CEO at Norrsken Foundation, a seed investor and incubator, and before that she was the CEO at Swedfund, a Swedish government-backed provider of development financing. The latest appointment is Anna Ryott, an expert in sustainable investments and business development, who will contribute in the company’s continued global expansion, and focus on sustainability. Anna is currently chair of board of Summa Equity, a private equity company focused on investments that contribute to meeting the UN’s global goals. Summa Equity has hired Anna Ryott, the deputy CEO at Norrsken Foundation and former CEO of Swedfund International, as its new chairperson., People, Nordics, GPs, Sweden, Summa Equity, people moves Anna Ryott new Chairperson of Summa Equity Wed, Aug 22, 2018 08:05 CET Anna Ryott, Deputy CEO at Norrsken Foundation and former CEO of Swedfund International, has been elected as working chairperson of Summa Equity.

Anna ryott summa equity

Anna Ryott, Styrelseordförande Summa Equity och styrelseproffs " För mig är partnerskap det nya ledarskapet. För att nå Globala målen måste vi uppuntra till nya former av samarbete och få fler att inse hur målen inte bara definierar utmaningar, utan även vår tids största affärsmöjligheter."

Läs mer  1, Alejandro Firpo, Regeringskansliet, Statssekreterare. 2, Susanne Najafi, BackingMinds.

Anna ryott summa equity

Strategin bygger på att det är där pengarna anses växa bäst. Anna är styrelseordförande på Summa Equity som använder investeringar som ett verktyg för att skapa en bättre värld och samtidigt ge hög avkastning.
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Anna ryott summa equity

The election of Ryott strengthens Summa Equity’s expertise and experience in the area of sustainability.

Greg Shell. Managing Director - Double Impact. 6 May 2019 CEO Christian Sinding of EQT, and Chair Anna Ryott and CEO Reynir Indahl of Summa Equity will speak at the Nordic Springboard about why  Anna Ryott, die als Expertin für nachhaltige Investitionen und Geschäftsentwicklungen Anna ist derzeit Vorstandsvorsitzende von Summa Equity, einer Private  Advisor strategy, branding and sustainability. Summa Equity.
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Anna ryott summa equity

Anna Ryott valdes i förra veckan in i styrelsen för Löfbergs Coffee styrelseordförande i Summa Equity, ett riskkapitalbolag med fokus på 

Anna is Chair of Board at Summa Equity. Summa Equity use investments as a tool to create a better world and at the same time deliver high returns. Anna is also on the board of UNDP SDG Impact Steering Group, Dagens Industri Anna Ryott new Chairperson of Summa Equity. Anna Ryott, Deputy CEO at Norrsken Foundation and former CEO of Swedfund International, has been elected as working chairperson of Summa Equity. The election of Ryott strengthens Summa Equity’s expertise and experience in the area of sustainability. Ryott’s Board of Directors will include several newly Anna Ryott ny styrelseordförande i Summa Equity ons, aug 22, 2018 08:05 CET. Anna Ryott, vice VD för Norrsken Foundation och dessförinnan VD för Swedfund International, har valts till arbetande styrelseordförande för Summa Equity.

Anna Ryott. Styrelseproffs, entreprenör, Summa Equity ©2021 ÅRE BUSINESS FORUM · 23-24 SEPTEMBER 2020 | Integritetspolicy

Sophie Stenbeck In addition, CEO Christian Sinding of EQT and Chair Anna Ryott of Summa Equity shared their experiences in business and investment area and also the reason making them interested in supporting the SDGs initiative. “Sustainability is, and has always been, a central part of EQT. Anna Ryott occupies the position of Chairperson at Summa Equity AB. She is also on the board of Axel Johnson AB and Cake 0 Emission AB and Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Stiftelsen Norrsken Summa Equity has this year contributed to Petter Uteligger Foundation, a Norwegian organization with the purpose to brighten up everyday life for the homeless and people with substance abuse challenges. Anna Ryott, principal at Summa Equity, is among the nominees: There hasn’t been a good way for investors to understand and for companies to report how they benefit and their negative impact on the society and environment. In 2021, the IWAI will publish “the Meet our new Summate, Johan Carlsson, who recently joined legal counsel (secondee). “I am proud to be a part of the team and by contribute to Summa’s investment strategy, make a positive impact on Anna Ryott - Summa Equity.

”Jag är  page for Summa Equity AB including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board Förutom Samhalls hållbarhetschef Anna Hagvall, finns samhällsdebattören Anders Wijkman, ordförande för Summa Equity Anna Ryott och IKEA:s  Anna Ryott, styrelseordförande Summa Equity (ett riskkapitalbolag som enbart investerar i företag som bidrar till något av FN:s 17 globala mål  som huvudfokus för årets Polar Talks, som leds av Lisa Lindström, vd på Doberman, och Anna Ryott, styrelseordförande på Summa Equity.